MCSO Washington Township Substation
Police services in unincorporated Washington Township are provided through a contract with the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office – an arrangement that offers the quality and efficiencies of a large department with the advantages of local control.
In addition to paying the county for its services, the township provides cruisers, equipment, office space and office supplies for deputies at our substation. MCSO is a strong partner, collaborating on child safety seat inspections, providing identity theft information at Super Saturday events, and offering a drug drop off site in its substation lobby at 8190 McEwen Rd. 
Quality & Cost Efficiency
The township's police services are considered among the best in the nation, with all aspects of operations accredited – from dispatch to road patrol to the jail. The sheriff's office holds accreditation from four separate agencies and was the first sheriff's office in Ohio to receive accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies. In 2009, MCSO became the first sheriff's office in Ohio to earn the Flagship Agency Award by meeting all accreditation standards set by CALEA.
Contracting with the sheriff's office provides significant economies of scale. Washington Township residents pay less per person for police protection than many other localities and, in return for their investment, receive a variety of support services that smaller departments frequently can not afford.
Staff & Services
The Washington Township substation is staffed by a police director, six sergeants and 25 deputies. Besides street patrol personnel, the substation staff includes investigators, a community education officer, two school resource officers and a traffic officer.
Services Provided
Additional Services
In return for their investment, township residents receive a variety of support services that smaller departments frequently can not afford to provide. These include:

Substation Administration
8 am - 4 pm weekdays
Non-Emergency Dispatch (Anytime)
Emergency (Anytime) - 911