Letters have been mailed and eligible residents within the unincorporated portion of Washington Township will receive a letter from Energy Harbor, on behalf of Washington Township, regarding the newly formed electric aggregation program. This is not a scam and the letter is legitimate.
View a sample of the letter and the opt-out form.
Please see below for full information and FAQs regarding the program. For additional assistance, or to opt-out of the program, please contact Energy Alliances at 513-794-5555.
Washington Township is pleased to announce that an electric aggregation program has been created for eligible residents and business owners within the limits of the unincorporated Township.
After soliciting multiple suppliers, Washington Township’s electricity broker, Energy Alliances, has locked in a rate with Energy Harbor of $0.0689 for electricity, through the May 2025 meter read. Additionally, a rate of $0.0727 for renewable energy will also be available to residents through the May 2025 meter read. Although Energy Harbor is the supplier, AES Ohio will still deliver the electricity, mail statements, and process payments. Residents should also continue to contact AES Ohio for service and outages.
Opt-Out Program
Eligible residents will be automatically enrolled in the Township's electric aggregation program however, participation is not required. Residents will receive a letter that explains the program and provides an opportunity to opt-out. If a resident does not have an agreement with another electric supplier for services and they do not return the opt-out form, they will be automatically enrolled into the program. There are no enrollment, switching, or early termination fees and residents may cancel at any time without a penalty. Additionally, residents can re-enter the program at any time without a penalty. Washington Township does not receive any revenue from this program.
Only those who utilize AES Ohio for electric services will receive the opt-out materials. If you currently have an agreement with an alternate electric supplier, you are not considered eligible due to current Ohio laws and will not receive a letter. You can choose to opt-in to the program, but the Township strongly suggests that you speak with your current supplier to make sure you understand your contract terms and if you have any termination fees before making any changes.
Who is Eligible for the Washington Township Electric Aggregation Program?
- Your electric company must be AES Ohio
- You must be a resident or qualifying business located within the unincorporated Washington Township limit
- You must not already have chosen an electric supplier on your own
- You must not be a Percentage of Income Payment Program (PIPP)
- You must not be in arrears on your bill payment
- You must not be a business customer using over 700,000 kWh/year
Are new residents automatically enrolled in the aggregation program?
No. New residents will receive standard AES Ohio rates for electricity. Eligible new residents may join the aggregation program after the expiration of the initial opt-out period by contacting the Township's broker, Energy Alliances, at 513-794-5555 or www.energyalliances.com. The rate will be the same as the rate negotiated for the aggregation program.
What if I move within the Township?
An aggregation participant who moves from one location to another within the Township boundaries and retains the same account number will remain an aggregation participant and will receive the same price it would have received if its location had not moved. An aggregation participant who moves from one location to another within the township boundaries and is assigned a new account number may enroll its new account in the aggregation program and receive the same price, provided the new account is eligible for aggregation.
What if I move outside of the Township?
An aggregation participant who moves out of the Township boundaries will no longer be eligible to participate in the aggregation and will not be charged an early termination fee from the broker or the service provider.
Does the Township receive funding as a result of my enrollment?
No. Washington Township does not receive financial benefit by offering the aggregation program.
What if I am currently enrolled with a different alternate provider and I want to join the aggregation program?
Residents may join the aggregation program after the initial 21 day opt-out and seven-day rescission period expires by contacting our broker, Energy Alliance at 513-794-5555. Residents will be responsible for any early termination fees with their current supplier. There is no fee to join the aggregation program.
Who do I call for an electricity outage?
Call AES Ohio at 877-468-8243 or online at www.aes-ohio.com/outages
How does billing work in the aggregation program?
Aggregation participants will receive a single bill from AES Ohio. Aggregation participants will see Energy Harbor listed under generation charges in explanation of current charges portion of bill.
How do I opt-out of the aggregation program?
Before being enrolled, residents will receive a letter that explains the program and provides an opportunity for them to opt-out within 30 days. Once the 30-day window has closed, residents who did not opt-out will be automatically enrolled in the aggregation program. If a resident would like to opt-out after the 30-day window has closed, they can do so at any time without penalty by calling Energy Alliances at 513-794-5555.
How do I receive the renewable energy rate?
Through the Washington Township electric aggregation program, eligible residents who do not opt-out will be automatically enrolled and will receive the rate of $0.0689 for traditional, non-renewable power. Residents have the option of receiving renewable energy by opting-in at a rate of $0.0727. Residents wishing to opt-in to this program can do so by contacting Energy Alliances at 513-794-5555.
How do I compare rates?
As consumers, even those in the Township aggregation program, it is important to be informed in order to make the best choices. Residents have the option of comparing and locking in their own rate by visiting www.energychoice.ohio.gov
Why do I continue to receive offers from suppliers when I am enrolled in the aggregation program or when I have petitioned to be removed from aggregation lists?
Neither Washington Township nor its broker can stop suppliers from soliciting independently for your business by mail or telephone. Providing your information, as listed below, only prevents residents from receiving solicitation regarding the Township's aggregation programs.
Does the Township have an aggregation program for natural gas?
Although the Township is certified for a natural gas aggregation program, we have not entered into an agreement for natural gas aggregation. We are watching pricing and will continue to monitor the market.
How can I get on the "Do Not Aggregate" list for electric aggregation?
To be excluded from receiving future opt-out notices for electric aggregation, customers may register with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) to be placed on the "do not aggregate" list. If the customer's AES Ohio account number changes, the customer must update their request with PUCO. If a customer has multiple accounts, each account must be registered separately with PUCO. If a customer moves, even within the same utility service territory, the customer must re-register to remain on the "do not aggregate" list.
- Download and complete the printable PDF form and mail or fax it to:
The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
Attn: TeleText Services Division
180 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215
Fax: (614) 466-0313
- Call the PUCO toll-free at (800) 686-PUCO (7826). Provide your name, service address and the customer account or identification number located on the utility bill.
Information on Energy Aggregation Scams
PUCO Scam Information
National Consumer Protection Week Tips
The Ohio Attorney General's Office Alert