At the beginning of September 2024, the Township launched a community survey to gather valuable feedback from residents regarding their opinions on contracting with a single hauler.
The online survey received 800 responses, and the mail-in paper survey received 526 responses. Both the online survey and the paper survey asked the same questions. The paper survey was administered through a third-party contractor (ETC Institute) and those results were kept separate to ensure there were no duplicate responses and that the results represented the demographics of our community. The online survey was offered in addition to the paper survey to ensure that every resident had the opportunity to provide input.
Survey Highlights:
- 82% of residents said that they are satisfied or very satisfied with their current garbage and recycling services
- 57% of residents pay between $21-40/month for trash services
- 75% of residents said that they would be supportive or very supportive of the Township contracting with a single hauler if it lowered costs
- 72% of residents currently use Rumpke for their trash collection
Next Steps:
The Township recognizes that even if a single hauler contract could save residents money, it would depend on whether the savings are significant enough to justify a change. And, in addition to cost savings, there are many important factors including how many residents will have their pick-up day changed and what sort of service level changes might occur. Additionally, residents’ current satisfaction level is very high. There are many things to consider before any next steps are taken.
Full Survey Results from Washington Township
Full Survey Results from ETC Institute