On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. A total solar eclipse is a rare and spectacular event. Only 21 total solar eclipses have crossed the lower 48 states in the entire existence of the United States.
The last total solar eclipse visible in Ohio was in 1806. The next total solar eclipse in Ohio will be in the year 2099.
Montgomery County and Washington Township are in the Full Totality Area for the 2024 total solar eclipse. While the eclipse will last no more than five minutes, a partial solar eclipse will be visible before and after the total eclipse.
The total eclipse will visit Washington Township at approximately 3:09pm with the moon's shadow exiting at approximately 3:12pm.

It is not safe to look directly at the sun during the eclipse. There are many options for safe viewing and
more information can be found on NASA's website.
What to Expect
The eclipse will be a magnet for millions of people across the nation. Low estimates of visitors to Ohio is in the 150,000 range. High estimates of visitors to Ohio is in the 575,000 range.
Ohio Department of Transportation is anticipating heavier than normal traffic between the hours of 6am-11pm on April 8, particularly in the hour or two immediately preceding and following the total eclipse. ODOT has prepared a traffic forecasting map indicating how heavily traffic will be impacted on state roadways.
- Pack your patience and fill your gas tank!
- If you're planning on traveling, pre-plan your route.
- Do not rely on cell signal or GPS as towers may experience disruptions due to high volumes of usage.
- Know your destination in advance and where you plan to safely park to view the eclipse. Do not pull off the side of the roadway and do not park on privately owned land, including empty lots or farm fields.
- Do not call 9-1-1 unless it is a life-threatening emergency.
- Keep a preparedness kit in the car that includes a paper map, jumper cables, flares or reflective triangle, car cell phone charger, a blanket, cat litter or sand (for better tire traction)
Have a Plan
Planning on attending an eclipse viewing party with friends or family?
- Have a family communication plan when attending any large gathering to ensure you know where to meet up in case you get separated.
- Make sure children have identification with them in case you are separated.
- Never leave children or pets alone in closed vehicles.
- Bring sunscreen, mosquito repellant, and rain gear. The weather in Ohio in April can change quickly and drastically.
Additional Resources
NASA Total Solar Eclipse
Ohio EMA Total Solar Eclipse
Ohio Tourism Total Solar Eclipse
ODNR Total Solar Eclipse
OHGO - Real Time Traffic App
ODOT - Traffic Forecasting Map